Stripping steam is a commonly used technique in the oil and gas industry to remove unwanted contaminants from a liquid or gas stream. In crude towers, stripping steam is often used to remove light hydrocarbons, such as naphtha and gasoline, from crude oil.

Stripping steam is steam that is used to strip or remove unwanted contaminants from a liquid or gas stream. In crude towers, stripping steam is often used to remove light hydrocarbons, such as naphtha and gasoline, from the crude oil.

Stripping steam is introduced into the bottom of the crude tower, where it vaporizes and mixes with the crude oil. As the steam and crude oil rise through the tower, the steam strips the light hydrocarbons from the crude oil, causing them to vaporize and rise to the top of the tower. The stripped light hydrocarbons are then separated from the crude oil and collected for further processing.

The use of stripping steam in crude towers helps to improve the quality of the crude oil by removing light hydrocarbons that can cause problems downstream in the refining process. It also helps to increase the yield of valuable products, such as gasoline and diesel, from the crude oil.

The amount of stripping steam used in a crude tower will depend on the specific characteristics of the crude oil and the desired level of light hydrocarbon removal. Stripping steam is typically generated using a steam generator or boiler, and it is supplied to the crude tower through a steam distribution system.

The use of stripping steam in crude towers has several benefits, including:

  • Improved crude oil quality: Light hydrocarbons, such as naphtha and gasoline, can cause problems downstream in the refining process if they are not removed from the crude oil. By using stripping steam to remove these contaminants, the quality of the crude oil is improved and the risk of downstream problems is reduced.
  • Increased yield of valuable products: Light hydrocarbons are valuable products that can be further processed into gasoline, diesel, and other fuels. By using stripping steam to remove these contaminants from the crude oil, the yield of these valuable products is increased.
  • Energy efficiency: Stripping steam is a relatively energy-efficient method of contaminant removal compared to other methods, such as chemical stripping or distillation. The use of stripping steam can help to reduce energy consumption in the crude tower and improve the overall efficiency of the refining process.
  • Environmental benefits: Removing light hydrocarbons from crude oil using stripping steam can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, as these contaminants are often released into the air during the refining process.

In order to use stripping steam effectively in crude towers, it is important to carefully control the amount of steam used and to monitor the performance of the crude tower. The amount of steam used will depend on the specific characteristics of the crude oil and the desired level of light hydrocarbon removal. Stripping steam is typically generated using a steam generator or boiler, and it is supplied to the crude tower through a steam distribution system.

Overall, the use of stripping steam in crude towers helps to improve the quality of the crude oil, increase the yield of valuable products, and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It is an important technique in the refining industry that plays a crucial role in the production of clean, high-quality fuels.